Quem somos?

A minha foto
Pr.Trajano Martins, Técnico de Acção Social, Educador-Animador Sociocultural diplomado, Casado com Ana Martins e 2 filhos. Realizou trabalho social voluntário no contexto cristão com a O.M e no barco Logos II, membro da Assembleia da mesma e durante 4 anos no Grupo Vida, aluno no IBP e Professor de Educação Moral, EMRE. Aptidões e competências sociais como Coordenador de retiros RSJovem (Retiro Super Jovem) para Jovens vindos de várias problemáticas e um dos fundadores do Ministério Evangélico D.C. mimes (grupo de jovens universitários cristãos, que através de trabalho social e da mímica, querem dar a conhecer os valores cristãos). Ana Martins, Técnica Auxiliar de Farmácia, formação em Contabilidade e TAC (Técnicas de Apoio à Contabilidade), Co-coordenadora e responsável por um grupo de jovens em retiros célula (RSJovem), onde estava ajudando mulheres e jovens nas suas dúvidas espirituais e até vivenciais. Participou, também, como membro do grupo D.C.mimes, apoio musical no grupo de Jovens da igreja evangélica de Sangalhos e professora de escola dominical na mesma, habilitada a leccionar a disciplina de Emre.


sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

Hello from Matosinhos, Porto!

I have so many news to tell you!
First of all, I want to thank you so much for your prayers and support.

well, now we are in a application process.
I know, it takes time, this month we are helping and giving some suport in Aldoar church- I will take a T.A.T certificacion on Cruz Vermelha, that is going to help me in my social developing and to have more health knowledge, I`m sure that is going to enrich my ministry, which it will carry on.

Second ... This month has been amazing, at the moment I am helping the praise group, with Pr. Licínio from Cancion Porto, Dénia and João in Christian Centre, which I have been in contact with good brothers and sisters and I have been able to have communion with some of them.

During the week we have gym school, this sunday a group of brothers we will go to spent time together in a Church Day Out. (Quinta da Paz, a event from all arrown independent churchs and we will worship together to God)

Third, Pray for our littleee son Jessé Martins, which ... I will like you to take only 3 min to pray for us, please ... and YES! I am we are very well!

There are more points but I will sent them in another email :o)

Would you please help me to pray for:

- My applications, T.A.T certification in Cruz vermelha

- For our children and dear family --- Next month, we will travel to Bairrada

- Quinta da Paz : Our time together on sunday.

Thank you God for giving us the opportunity to help in your kingdom Ministry and to be part of it

I really!! I will love to hear from you,

Please would you write me back your prayer request, I really!! I will like to support you with my prayers.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Many blessings!

                 Family Martins
Trajano&Ana, Natanael e Jessé Martins

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